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How to Invest $100,000
Written by: Evan White How to invest $100,000 is a variation on the ever popular...
What is a Good Debt to Asset Ratio?
How do analysts determine the financial health of a business for either investment or lending purposes? While there are several answers to this, Debt to Asset Ratio is one variable used to measure financial solvency. This value is also important for a company because it allows the company to secure additional funding. What is a good debt to asset ratio?
What Should I Invest in Right Now?
Thanks to social media and the internet, we now experience this feeling almost every day. A question I get frequently from clients who don’t want to miss out on a good investment opportunity they may not be aware of is “What should I invest in right now?”
Is Life Insurance Taxable?
Is a life insurance benefit taxable? This is one of the most common questions we receive as advisors when discussing life insurance. Rightfully so, because it is a very important consideration to be mindful of. In most scenarios, life insurance proceeds paid to beneficiaries are…
Should I Invest or Pay Off Debt?
As a financial planner, we are asked many questions about personal finance. These questions can be as basic as how much money should I keep in my emergency reserve account, and as complex as I have $100,000 saved and want to retire next year, what should I do. One question that arises more than all is, “Should I pay off debt or invest the cash on hand I have?”
How to Get Rid of Credit Card Debt
Written by: Colin Kosco Do you feel helpless and overwhelmed by the growing size of your...
What Percentage of My Income Should I Invest
Remember the early years of your life when you would stash away all the money that you got from birthdays or the Tooth Fairy? Back then, many of us weren’t concerned about investing for retirement savings, debt repayment, or living expenses, but now, many of us are in a similar dilemma: what percentage of my income should I invest?
Can I Contribute to a 401k and IRA?
IRAs and 401ks are the two most popular retirement accounts that people will save into for retirement. But, despite their popularity, I am commonly asked, “Can I contribute to a 401k and IRA?” While the short answer is yes..
What is the Purpose of Tax Deferred Retirement Accounts?
When designing a long-term savings plan, you will generally want to start by utilizing any tax-advantaged accounts you have available. Today we’ll dive into what is the purpose of tax deferred retirement accounts.
Can Parents Contribute to a Roth IRA for a Child?
A question we sometimes get from parents is, “Can I contribute to a Roth IRA for my child?” When thinking about saving money for a child’s future, an option that is not considered as often is a Roth IRA, which can be a tax advantageous way to jumpstart their long-term savings.
Why is Life Insurance Important?
If life insurance is a fairly new topic for you, you may be wondering the following questions: How does life insurance work? Why is life insurance important? How much life insurance should you have? Do I need life insurance? How much does life insurance cost?
How Many Credit Cards Should I Have?
There is a false misconception that having multiple credit cards can hurt your credit profile. It’s okay and often suggested to have multiple credit cards, as long as you’re sticking to several parameters…