by Derek Melvin | Jan 10, 2024 | Blog
Written by: Derek Melvin As we turn the calendar to another year, it is common for many to begin setting goals for the year to come and improvements they want to make in their lives moving forward. Naturally, finances are typically at the top of the list. “Spend less...
by Derek Melvin | Sep 25, 2023 | Blog
Retirement Plans for Doctors With the month of September holding a very important holiday that many people might not know about, National 401(k) Day, we felt it to be very appropriate to revisit the importance of retirement savings plans. Some of the most common...
by Peggy Haslach | Aug 2, 2023 | Blog
Written by: Peggy Haslach “My CPA says I need to set up a SEP IRA!” When I hear that, I usually reply, “Congratulations! Typically, when I have someone asking about SEP IRA for their 1099 income, I know their business has reached a point where they could benefit from...
by Corey Janoff | Jul 12, 2023 | Blog
Written by: Corey Janoff As a physician, financial planning starts in residency, or even medical school. It is important to establish good financial habits to set yourself up for financial success once you become an attending. This guide to money in residency...
by Corey Janoff | Mar 7, 2023 | Podcast
In this episode of Financial Clarity for Doctors, Corey and Rachelle discuss the benefits of pre-tax and Roth retirement accounts. We love savings, but it’s important to understand when and how you pay taxes. You will have to pay taxes on your retirement savings,...