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Tax Tips for Doctors

Tax Tips for Doctors

Share This: Written by: Corey Janoff  It’s tax season, so of course, we’re writing blog posts about tax tips for doctors.  While there’s not much, you can do to improve your tax scenario for this tax filing. You can do a number of things throughout the rest of the...
10 Things To Do With Your Stimulus Check in Residency

10 Things To Do With Your Stimulus Check in Residency

Written by: Corey Janoff With a fresh new wave of stimulus money hitting people’s bank accounts this week, many residents & fellows (and med students, for that matter) will be receiving their $1,400 stimulus checks.  Today we thought it would be a good idea to lay...

What To Do With an Old Retirement Account

Written by: Jeff Standish You have just decided to change companies, or you just got laid off. The last thing you are probably thinking about is what to do with that former (soon to be) employer’s retirement plan (401k/403b/457, or even cash balance plan) you have...

40. Protecting Short Term Needs with Tyler Olson

On this week’s Financial Clarity for Doctors Hosts, Corey and Rachelle have on special guest, Tyler Olson. Tyler Olson is a Financial Advisor with Olson Consulting, LLC and is well known on Twitter at @OlsonPlanner, where you can find him tweeting about all...

39. 2021 Predictions

Welcome, 2021!! On this week’s episode of Financial Clarity for Doctors host, Corey and Rachelle start the year off with their predictions for the new year and help you with the tools to best structure your finances to handle unexpected events.   2021 Predictions ...